Music City Masquerade 2023 Oct 27-29
Lisa Greenleaf and Lighthouse
- Audrey Jaber (Knuth), Max Newman and Stuart Kenney
West End Middle School, 3529 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37205
Covid Policy - please read
We require that ALL attendees have a negative Covid test less than 24 hours before each dance event. All attendees will be asked to sign in at registration to affirm to your negative test result (we will not ask to see your test result). At least two tests will be necessary if you plan to attend the entire weekend.
For instance, if you test negative at 2pm on Friday, you should test again at 2pm on Saturday. The last dance ends at 1.30pm on Sunday, so no further test is necessary after Saturday.
If you test at 10 am on Friday, you should test again on Saturday morning before attending workshops, and again on Sunday morning before dancing.
If you develop symptoms or get a positive test result, please stay home. We will miss you, but better safe than sorry! We will refund your registration fee.
We reserve the right to alter Covid policies if circumstances change. If the new policies affect your decision to come to MCM, we will give you a refund.
If you would like to stay with a local dancer, please contact us as soon as possible, as spaces are limited. Email, with the subject line “MCM Housing Request”.
Restaurants click here for list
Help Out!
If you would like to help out, please email with the subject line Volunteer MCM. We would love help with: Set-up in main venue, and for DJ contra, on the afternoon of Friday Oct 27th; sitting at Welcome Table for 30 min shifts; helping with tea, coffee and snacks; other tasks.
Limited Scholarships are available in return for help with the Weekend. Contact Cathy at
Register using PayPal
We have calculated our break-even price at $120/attendee but in the interests of making the Masquerade available to all, we have opted for a sliding scale. If you cannot afford the break-even amount, then pay less. If you can afford more and want to make it possible for those with limited income to attend, please pay more.
1) Select the price you are willing to pay up to $150.
2) Give full names of all dancers at that price.
3) Click “Add to Cart”. On the PayPal page, choose how many dancers you are paying for at that price.
4) To add different price dancers, click “Continue Shopping”, and repeat process.
5) You will receive email acknowledgement.
Register using US mail
We have calculated our break-even price at $120/attendee but in the interests of making the Masquerade available to all, we have opted for a sliding scale. If you cannot afford the break-even amount, then pay less. If you can afford more and want to make it possible for those with limited income to attend, please pay more.
1) Select a payment amount you are comfortable with. See the Paypal button for suggestions.
2) Make check payable to Nashville Country Dancers.
3) Enclose names of all dancers, as they want it on our registration list. Include phone and email information for all dancers.
4) Mail to Nashville Country Dancers, PO Box 40581, Nashville TN 37204-0581
5) You will receive email acknowledgement.
Schedule and prices for individual workshops (sliding scale, pay what you can)
Evening Contra, Masquerade Ball and Farewell Contra, $5-$40 each
Workshops and Waltz, $5-$20 each
7:30-8:00 Registration Main Gym
8:00-10:30 Contra Dance, Main Gym: Lighthouse with Lisa Greenleaf
10:45-12:45 DJ Contra, Global Education Center: Rachel Bergin mixes the beats and calls the moves!
Global Ed is at 4822 Charlotte Ave #3, Nashville, TN 37209
9:15-10:30 English Country Dance, Main Gym: Lighthouse with Juliette Webb
10:45-12:00 Hot Squares, Main Gym: John Fabke & Friends with Lisa Greenleaf
10:45-12:00 Singing Rounds, Classroom: led by Anna Claire Camp
11:45-2:00 Lunch on your own
2:00-3:15 Contra Dance - Odd Formations, Main Gym: John Fabke & Friends with Lisa Greenleaf
2:00-3:15 Workshop, Classroom: Come as You Are: Demonstration and discussion of various calling terms, led by Cathy Hollister & Juliette Webb
3:30-4:45 Contra Dance, Main Gym: Lighthouse with Anna Claire Camp
3:30-4:45 Music Jam, Classroom
8-10:30 Masquerade Ball, Main Gym: Lighthouse with Lisa Greenleaf. Costumes are encouraged!
10:00-11:15 Free Waltz, Main Gym: Lighthouse
11:30-1:30 Farewell Contra Dance, Main Gym: Lighthouse with Lisa Greenleaf
Click here for parking closest to the Gym, (marked on map, with a red blob) at the intersection of Elmington Ave and Richardson Ave. The Gym is visible from the road. You can park in the semi-circle in front of the Gym, or in the neighborhood. Locals, please give out of town guests first dibs in the semi-circle.
Click here for more parking, behind the school, in the school’s parking lot. Marked on the map with a red blob, just off Bowling Ave. Locals who know their way around are encouraged to park here.