Music City Masquerade 2024

Oct 25-27

Nashville, TN

Cis Hinkle with Eloise & Co.

- Rachel Bell, Becky Tracy and Bethany Waickman

Venue: West End Middle School, 3529 West End Avenue, Nashville TN 37205

Scroll down for information on the best address to use in your GPS, and for parking advice

Click here for a video of Eloise at a contra weekend and here to see a video from a bal folk event and here for a gorgeous video of them playing two original tunes.

Registration is now open!

A La Carte - If you can’t attend the whole event, pay at the door. All dance and workshop prices $5-$30, pay what you can. We take cash, check, Venmo and Paypal.

Register using PayPal

We have calculated our break-even price at $120/attendee but in the interests of making the Masquerade available to all, we have opted for a sliding scale. If you cannot afford the break-even amount, then pay less. If you can afford more and want to make it possible for those with limited income to attend, please pay more. 

1) Select the price you are willing to pay up to $165.

2) Give full names of all dancers at that price.

3) Click “Add to Cart”. On the PayPal page, choose how many dancers you are paying for at that price.

4) To add different price dancers, click “Continue Shopping”, and repeat process.

5) You will receive email acknowledgement.

MCM 2024
Full names(s) for door list

Register using US mail

We have calculated our break-even price at $120/attendee but in the interests of making the Masquerade available to all, we have opted for a sliding scale. If you cannot afford the break-even amount, then pay less. If you can afford more and want to make it possible for those with limited income to attend, please pay more. 

1) Select a payment amount you are comfortable with. See the Paypal button for suggestions. Minimum payment, for people with limited income, is $65.

2) Make check payable to Nashville Country Dancers.

3) Enclose names of all dancers, as they want it on our registration list. Include phone and email information for all dancers.

4) Mail to Nashville Country Dancers, PO Box 40581, Nashville TN 37204-0581

5) You will receive email acknowledgement.


Click here for a list of hotels

We can offer housing with local dancers on a first-come first-serve basis. Please apply early, and we hope to find you a host!

MCM Housing Request 2024 - Google Forms

Nashville dancers - hosting out-of-town guests is a great way to get to know people! Many of our dancers have been welcomed into the homes of dancers in other communities. We aim to provide the same hospitality to people who travel to our dance.

If you would like to help out in this way, please fill out this form so we know how many beds you can offer, and make sure we don’t (for example) match pet owners with allergic guests.

MCM Host Survey - Google Forms (note to Board members - you MUST be signed out of NCD’s google account for the form to work)

Meals and Snacks

Light snacks will be provided. We warmly welcome contributions to the snack table!

List of local restaurants and stores

Help Out!

If you would like to help out, please email with the subject line Volunteer MCM. We would love help with: Set-up in main venue; sitting at Welcome Table for 30 min shifts; helping with tea, coffee and snacks; making sure bathrooms are stocked with soap, paper, etc; other tasks.

Directions and Parking

For best results with GPS, use this address: 304 Elmington Ave

Click here for parking closest to the Gym, (marked on map, with a red blob) at the intersection of Elmington Ave and Richardson Ave. The Gym is visible from the road. You can park in the semi-circle in front of the Gym, or in the neighborhood. Locals, please give out of town guests first dibs in the semi-circle.

Click here for more parking, behind the school, in the school’s parking lot. Marked on the map with a red blob, just off Bowling Ave. Locals who know their way around are encouraged to park here.


All event prices $5-$30, pay what you can


7:30-8:00 Registration, Main Gym,

8:00-10:30 Contra Dance, Main Gym - Cis Hinkle with Eloise & Co.

10:45-12:45 DJ Contra: Denali and Crystal mix the beats and call the moves! Note: a different location: Global Education Center Address: 4822 Charlotte Ave, Nashville, TN 37209


9:15-10:30 English Country Dance, Main Gym: - Emma Rushton with Incantation (Rachel Bell - accordion, Susan Kevra - clarinet & Nick Bergin - piano.

10:45-12:00 Challenging Contras, Main Gym - Cis Hinkle with Emerald Rae and Lucas White.

Give your brain a bit of a workout, while dancing to two incredible Nashville musicians.

11:45-2:00 Lunch on your own

2:00-3:15 Momentous Contras, Main Gym - Cis Hinkle with Eloise & Co.

Use your weight and momentum to enjoy the flow of movement from one figure to another!

3:30-4:45 Bal Folk, Main Gym - Susan Kevra with Eloise & Co. If you love the energy of contras and the playfulness of English dancing, then you’ll love French bourrées! These dances - from central France - involve simple footwork, sprightly tunes and a whole lot of play. By the time you’re done, you’ll be making plans for a summer vacation in Auvergne, dreaming of creamy blue cheese, accordion and hurdy gurdy music! We’ll also toss in some simple Breton dances to bring out your inner druid and a few other classic dances from the bal folk tradition.

4.45 - 8.00 Dinner on your own

8-10:30 Masquerade Ball, Main Gym - Cis Hinkle with Eloise & Co. Costumes are encouraged!


10:00-11:15 Free Waltz, Main Gym - Eloise & Co.

11:30-1:30 Farewell Contra Dance, Main Gym - Cis Hinkle with Eloise & Co.

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