Music City Masquerade 2022
October 28-30, at West End Middle School in Nashville
3529 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37205
Caller Susan Michaels. Music by Supertrad (Dave Langford, Sam Bartlett and Eric Schedler)
Workshops Galore!
Covid Policy - please read
We require that ALL attendees have a negative Covid test within 24 hours before each dance event. Multiple tests will be necessary if you plan to attend the entire weekend. All attendees will be asked to sign in at registration to affirm to your negative test result.
If you develop symptoms or get a positive test result, please stay home. We will miss you, but better safe than sorry! We will refund your registration fee.
We reserve the right to alter Covid policies if circumstances change. If the new policies affect your decision to come to MCM, we will give you a refund.
Register using PayPal (includes PayPal fee)
1) Select full or student price
2) Give full names of all dancers at that price.
3) Click “Add to Cart”. On the PayPal page, choose how many dancers you are paying for at that price.
4) To add different price dancers, click “Continue Shopping”, and repeat process.
5) You will receive email acknowledgement.
Register using US mail
1) Cost of weekend is $100 (full price) or $50 (student).
2) Make check payable to Nashville Country Dancers.
3) Enclose names of all dancers, as they want it on our registration list. Include phone and email information for all dancers.
4) Mail to Nashville Country Dancers, PO Box 40581, Nashville TN 37204-0581
5) You will receive email acknowledgement.
What is Bal Folk? Click here for video. What is Heritage Dance? Click here and here