Nashville Country Dancers’ 42nd Playford Ball

Joanna Reiner calling with music by Constellation: Rachel Bell (accordion), Susan Kevra (clarinet) & Dave Wiesler (piano)

Click here to listen to Constellation. Click here and here for videos.

March 21-23, 2025

West End Middle School, 3529 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37205

This dance is not suitable for complete beginners - a basic knowledge of English Country Dance moves is expected.

Registration by mail is now closed

You can still pay at the door for part or all of the weekend.

Full weekend is $65 to $165. Consult the PayPal button for list of options.

A La Carte prices are listed below, with the schedule.

Make check out to Nashville Country Dancers.

Pre-registration is now closed

You may still register at the door.

Playford Ball 2024
Full names(s) for door list

Health and Refund Policy

We have no Covid policy, but ask that if you are sick, you stay at home. We recommend, but do not require self-testing for Covid.

If you need to cancel due to illness, we will issue a refund.


If you want to be housed with a local dancer, please ask us as soon as possible.

For information about hotels and other accommodation, click here.

Other good, less pricy hotel options are in Brentwood, about 15 minutes drive from the venue. Try Expedia or Travelocity.

Shoe Policy:

We require clean, inside-only shoes that have rubber soles, or soft leather shoe with soft leather non-marking sole. If you rub the heel on white paper and it leaves a mark, then find another shoe. Heels must be wider than 1.5".

To reduce waste, please bring your own re-fillable water-bottle. Good quality water is available at the venue.

All dancing will be in West End Middle school gym. Parking areas are marked with a large blue P on the map below.

Parking may be very limited on the West and South side of the school. In this case we advise parking on the East side of the school (curved red arrow), and in the neighbourhood.

Schedule for Playford Ball 2024 - likely to be the same for 2025

All Dance events are English Country Dance, and take place in West End Middle School Gym.

You can pay for each workshop individually, at the door.

We accept Paypal, Venmo, cash and checks. Make check out to Nashville Country Dancers.

Registration 7.30pm.

Friday Welcome Dance 8pm - 10.30pm $25

Saturday Workshop 10am - noon $20

Lunch on your own

Saturday Workshop 2pm - 4pm $20

Saturday Playford Ball 8pm - 10.30pm $35

Saturday Night After-Party at Joyce’s house 10.45pm - 1am (contributions of food and drink are greatly appreciated)

Directions to the party will be available at the venue on Saturday.

Sunday Farewell Dance 10.30am - 1pm $25